Cleo Woman

Liz Eichholz & Lindsey Johnson



Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your journey to where you are today?

I was born and raised in Austin, Texas and attended the University of Georgia where I studied Graphic Design. I started my career in New York on the in-house creative team at and ultimately moved on to become the first Creative Director at BDG Media. Around the same time, I got engaged and moved to Savannah, Georgia. The idea for Weezie came to me while shopping for towels for our wedding registry! What I hoped to be an exciting purchase experience ultimately fell flat. I was overwhelmed by the countless options, varying price points, and confusing jargon. To top it off, embroidering the towels proved to be quite the archaic, offline process. I found the entire experience to be lacking in joy and inspiration, and knew there had to be a better solution. I approached my long-time friend Lindsey, only to find she had a similar experience. A year and half of customer research and product development later, we launched Weezie in October 2018. — Liz 

What is your favorite part about getting dressed during the winter season?

Our winters only get so cold in Savannah, but with chilly mornings making way for warmer afternoons, I love to layer! I look forward to bundling up in a chunky knit thrown over a maxi dress, and a lightweight jacket if the weather demands it. And always, always accessorizing! — Liz 

Any upcoming travel plans or bucket list destinations you can’t wait to visit?

Yes! Two sun-filled trips I’m looking forward to: some much needed R&R with my husband in Harbour Island and then a family-filled trip to Round Hill in Jamaica a few months later! I already have my beach towels packed for both ;) — Liz 

What is a favorite quote of yours? Or a special saying that you go back to time and time again?

As my dad always says: “The harder you work, the better chance you have of getting lucky! — Liz” 

Do you have any book or podcast recommendations that you are especially loving right now for our community?

We recently launched a quarterly book club at Weezie! My vote won out for our first session, and it’s one of my all-time favorite reads on my all-time favorite topic, brand! If you haven’t already, be sure to pick up Obsessed. — Liz 

What’s your favorite part about running your own business?

No day is like the next. I love how dynamic it is; we’re facing new challenges each and every day but learning and growing so much as a result. And of course, the people! Liz and I feel so lucky to have surrounded ourselves with such an incredible team who make it all so much fun. — Lindsey 

What has been your biggest challenge you have faced with running your own business?

The biggest challenge has been learning to accept uncertainty and embrace the unknown…which the past two years have dealt their fair share of, to say the least! Liz and I are both planners by nature, so we’ve had to learn to roll with the punches and accept things as they come. — Lindsey 

What is your favorite Weezie product or one that you couldn’t live without?

Our makeup towels have been a real game changer. Mascara stains are a thing of the past! There’s a reason they quickly became a bestselling product. — Lindsey 

Do you have any daily rituals that help keep you grounded?

I make it a priority to take time to myself each day with a daily walk outside. I always feel so energized and inspired afterwards, whether I’m listening to a podcast or just organizing my thoughts. I often find that some of my best ideas and creative-problem solving come from this time! — Lindsey 

What is your favorite part about the winter season?

I love winter for all its coziness: time spent at home with family cooking a great meal or a mountain/ski vacation spent fireside. I appreciate that things seem to slow down a bit post-holiday, and that winter provides a perfect time to rest and recharge for a busy spring ahead! — Lindsey 

What’s one piece of advice you would give to your younger self?

Stop worrying about what other people think and don’t be scared to take a risk! Even with failure, you learn from trying something new. It is also important to connect with as many people as possible, both professionally and personally. The power of networking is real and has had a great pay off in launching Weezie. — Lindsey